
Have A Backup Plan 

Let’s be frank; it’s never a good situation when the power goes out in your home. You worry about the food in your refrigerator spoiling, your sump pump is unable to direct water out of your basement, and the lack of internet access is a massive inconvenience, as many people rely on it for work. S&P Electric LLC can supply reliable generators for your home so you’ll never be without power. 

Free Estimates

Our team is experienced and knowledgeable when it comes to all types of electrical issues. We’d be happy to advise you of the right type and strength of generator for your home, so you’ll never be left in the dark. We do business honestly and bring a strong passion for our work to each job. Since we understand that some of our customers are leery of having visitors right now, we have free estimates available through Zoom and FaceTime. They are always available within 24 hours. 

Contact our team to get started today!

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